Container security

Container & Kubernetes Security

Holistically secure containers & Kubernetes throughout the development lifecycle from runtime to build time.

Container Security from Runtime to Build Time

Context-Rich Network Topology Mapping
Protect Containers in Multi-Cloud & Hybrid-Cloud Environments
Identify & Understand K8s Risks & Threats

Upwind gives you complete visibility and protection for all types of containers across Kubernetes, Amazon ECS and Fargate. Correlate runtime insights with build time context, enable end-to-end visibility and proactively stop threats with automated response.

Diagram showing a purple circle with a lock and lines connecting downwards to six Kubernetes-related logos, including icons for GKE, EKS, AKS, and others, representing integrated platforms.

Secure Your Containers Wherever They Run

Upwind protects your containers and Kubernetes with support for Amazon EKS & ECS, Google GKE, Microsoft AKS, OpenShift, Kops & more. Consolidate container security in one centralized platform that supports k8s and container security in data centers, multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud environments.

Supercharge Your Container Security with DevOps Context

Get real-time, graph-based network and process level topology of your containers infrastructure. Correlate CI/CD events with container security to connect the dots and understand the root cause of changes and container events. Enable a partnership between developers, DevOps and security to find and resolve issues across the lifecycle of the containerized application.

Flowchart with a globe and clock, an orange circle with a warning sign, a purple cube, and an icon representing a database. Arrows connect the elements, depicting a sequential process from input to database storage.

Timeline-based Detections & Event Correlation

Detect and respond to container and Kubernetes threats in real-time, such as abnormal data access, lateral movements and privilege escalations. Kill malicious processes and automate prevention policies for k8s. Leverage runtime data to contextualize risk factors, identify attack paths and prioritize the most critical risks across your containers infrastructure, applications and identities to streamline remediation efforts.

Runtime-Powered Container Security

Secure your containers and Kubernetes everywhere you run with Upwind. Get real-time visibility for Kubernetes clusters, workloads and infrastructure, protect container images, and stop k8s threats in real time.