In order to solve a problem, you have to know how it started. In cloud security, getting to the root cause of threats and vulnerabilities is often a labor-intensive process that can take hours or even days, costing companies valuable time to remediation. To solve this problem, Upwind has expedited the investigation process, providing detailed root cause analysis within seconds. Today, we are excited to introduce a powerful new capability—Upwind’s Image Overview.
The Challenge: Pinpointing the Source
Unraveling the origins of security incidents and vulnerabilities often centers around one critical question: What has changed to introduce these issues? Was it an update, a configuration adjustment, or some other factor?
At present, tracking down the root cause of threats and vulnerabilities can take teams hours or even days – wasting valuable time that could be used for remediation. Upwind acknowledges this challenge and proudly presents the Image Overview as a valuable tool to streamline your investigations.
Introducing Image Overview: A Fresh Perspective
Upwind’s Image Overview leverages runtime and CI/CD context to provide you with a comprehensive view of images in your environment. This feature increases visibility into your running images, simplifying your investigations and significantly accelerating the root cause analysis process.
The Image Overview starts by furnishing a comprehensive data set, encompassing vital vulnerability insights, image build details, and resource image utilization. It reveals the total vulnerabilities, newly introduced ones, and fixed ones.
Upwind’s Image Overview gives you vital insights into image usage from code to cloud, including the build platform, last build timestamp, and pull requests that contributed to the image’s creation. Using runtime insights also provides a clear view of resources currently using the image, helping teams prioritize and remediate the vulnerabilities that matter to their organization.
Efficient Root Cause Analysis
The Image Overview details make conducting root cause analysis more efficient and comprehensive. Whether you are investigating a vulnerability finding, a specific detection, or assessing the impact of an image, this new capability empowers you to identify the relevant details and collaborate swiftly with your teams to address the issue.
Start Utilizing Comprehensive Image Details
The Image Overview seamlessly integrates with different sections of the Upwind platform, enhancing your user experience across the following areas:
Inventory Section: Easily access a comprehensive list of images with a click, linking to image overviews.
Vulnerability Management: Locate relevant images holding CVE-associated packages through the vulnerability context graph, with one-click access to image details.
Threat Detection: In detections, view resource-related build/delivery actions prominently displayed in the context graph. Drill down for detailed image insights.
Resource Overview: Quickly identify resource-linked images and navigate to comprehensive details.
As threat actors use increasingly advanced attack methods, identifying the root cause of threats and vulnerabilities is crucial for organizations. Upwind’s Image Overview feature gives you the capability to identify root cause within seconds, saving your team countless hours and giving you the ability to stay ahead of threats and risks.
Learn More
To learn more about Upwind’s runtime detection and response capabilities, refer to the Upwind Documentation Center (login needed).
To see a live demo of Upwind in action, please email us at [email protected].